Carrot Cake Baked Oats
Enjoy this dish of carrot cake baked oats for brunch or as a meal prep breakfast item to have on-hand throughout the week. These...
Enjoy this dish of carrot cake baked oats for brunch or as a meal prep breakfast item to have on-hand throughout the week. These...
Stuffed with Creamy Pumpkin Sausage Pasta, these pumpkins are the quintessential fall recipe. Not only do they look beautiful they taste incredible. The creamy...
This quick pickle chicken salad is light, healthy and delicious. Perfect for meal prep through the week or as an easy high protein lunch....
These cacio e pepe roasted carrots are warm, peppery and coated in crispy parmesan cheese. Oven roasted to perfection; this simple side dish recipe...
This One Pan Fall Dinner recipe checks all the boxes. It’s loaded with crispy bacon, lightly browned sweet potatoes, seared chicken apple sausage, warm...
Spicy, creamy and easy to make, this one pan blackened chicken pasta bake is a weeknight win. The chicken tenderloins are cubed and dusted...
This pan roasted maple Dijon chicken with apple cranberry walnut salad is the perfect fall combination. The chicken is marinated in the most delicious...
This chicken noodle soup pasta bake combines all the things you love about traditional chicken noodle soup but in pasta form. The tender noodles...
These high protein freezer pancakes are the perfect back to school recipe. Simply make a large batch, freeze and reheat as needed throughout the...
This air fryer spinach and feta hasselback stuffed salmon is a such a delicious combination. Easy enough for a weeknight, but pretty enough for...
This Air Fryer Spicy Hasselback Salmon is a fun twist on a sushi roll and it’s perfect any night of the week. The blackened...
This One Pan Chicken Ravioli Bake recipe is the perfect weeknight meal. This recipe is made from a few simple ingredients which you most...