Creamy Garlic Chicken
In under 40 minutes you can have this Creamy Garlic Chicken dinner ready to go. All you need is one pan and a few...
In under 40 minutes you can have this Creamy Garlic Chicken dinner ready to go. All you need is one pan and a few...
Get a hot meal on the table in 20 minutes. This quick and easy this Garlic Butter Shrimp Scampi is sautéed to perfection. This...
This Four Ingredient Cottage Cheese Apple Dip is easy to make and honestly addictive. Every time I make this dip it never lasts long....
This Grapefruit Lime Infused Green Tea is citrusy, bright, and refreshing. Perfect when you want something flavorful and healthy! Serve it warm or over...
This one pan creamy pesto chicken checks all the boxes. The juicy, tender chicken is nestled in a fabulous creamy pesto sauce. Topped with...
This Pineapple Peel Infused Tea is a great way to reduce food waste by using the portions of the pineapple that are commonly discarded....
This warm sautéed spring vegetable salad is the perfect side dish for the spring and summer months. It incorporates seasonal fresh vegetables that are...
This Strawberry Lemon Infused Iced Tea is bright, refreshing, and flavorful. Perfect to sip on as warm weather begins to roll in. Looking for...
Perfect any night of the week, these Chimichurri Grilled Chicken Thighs are easy to make and loaded with flavor. Marinated then grilled to perfection,...
Reinvent pizza and salad night with these air fryer chicken nugget pizza bites. On the table in under 15 minutes, these pizza bites are...
This Infused Skin Tea not only tastes amazing but is loaded with vitamins and nutrients that can potentially promote healthy glowing skin. As I...
This Infused Reset Tea is light and refreshing. Loaded with cool cucumber, fresh mint, citrusy lemon, honey, and green tea bags, this infused tea...