Baked Spicy Salmon (Under 30 Minutes)
This Baked Spicy Salmon recipe features flakey salmon fillets smothered in a creamy, flavorful sauce. Quick to make, it’s ready in 25 minutes, and...
This Baked Spicy Salmon recipe features flakey salmon fillets smothered in a creamy, flavorful sauce. Quick to make, it’s ready in 25 minutes, and...
This homemade Healthy Vegetarian Bolognese Sauce is thick, hearty, and loaded with nutrient-dense veggies. Cooked in one pot, it’s a quick, flavorful sauce perfect...
These Tofu Chips are light, crispy, and easy to make with just two simple ingredients! Baked until crisp, they’re a delicious, high-protein, low-carb substitute...
This baked Crab Stuffed Shrimp recipe features a sweetened coconut and macadamia nut breading for a delicious shrimp appetizer or main course. The impressive...
White Bean and Kale Soup is a nutrient-dense recipe perfect for chilly nights when you want something cozy for dinner. Quick and easy to...
This Baked Chicken in Cashew Sauce is a healthy-ish riff on traditional chicken parmesan. Easy to make, it’s packed with protein and full of...
This four-ingredient Salmon Burgers recipe is a low-fuss dinner that delivers big on flavor. Quick to prepare, it’s the perfect weeknight meal you’ll come...
This Egg Roll Up recipe comes together with a base of just two ingredients and cooks in 15 minutes! A nutritious, low-carb breakfast option,...
This Butter Lettuce Salad features crisp greens, fresh herbs, parmesan cheese, and a light lemony dressing. Quick and easy to make, it’s the perfect...
This Easy Vegetable Soup Recipe combines a variety of fresh veggies, chickpeas, and orzo pasta in a savory tomato broth. Full of immune-boosting vitamins,...
This Quick Chickpea Egg Salad recipe is the perfect make-ahead meal to power you through your days! Featuring eggs, chickpeas, and pickled onions, it’s...
Banana Egg Pancakes combine five simple ingredients to create a sweet, golden pancake recipe that’s full of nutrients. Serve them warm with your favorite...